Today we had a small distribution at an orphanage that was recommended by the UN. It was so hard to find exactly where the orphanage was. It was tucked away in the middle of no where. It took us 4 stops and 7 pedestrians' directions to finally get to about a block away. The founder finally came over to take us back to the orphanage. There were 20 little girls, ages ranging from 3 to 12 years old. There was a gate that was marked #41 and when you walk in you can see the giant UNICEF green tent all set up in the front yard. All 20 girls came rushing toward the tent to say hello to all of us. We distributed candy, medicine, food, and water purification tablets. Apparently UNICEF came about three weeks ago to give them 10 gallons of water, but has not returned since. They are running out of clean water to drink, so that's why we provided the water purification tablets. I wrote all the instructions for the medicine in French and also started to give out children's vitamin to each child when I was there. They were all happy, because it tasted like candy. It's really amazing what a small tablets of vitamins can do for a child's health. All the children and us sang and we said our goodbyes after about 2 hours being there. They were super cute. I wish the best for them.
We headed to many different possible sites today and made a lot of progress. Whether it be orphanages, churches, schools, sports centers, everyone needs help. It is very hard, because we have to decide to what degree of help they need and a priority list comes up. It is a very cut throat department I would say, because No is the word that they hear way too often from NGOs. If you don't have anything to do with children and families, then it is almost impossible for you to get any help, which is just down right sad to me.
Lots of sites and lots of decisions to make. It is going to be a long night full of meetings...
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